Insects of Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge

This is a list of the images and their descriptions found in the Insects Photo Gallery. The images were photographed by James N Perdue and any usage of these images should credit Mr. Perdue and his website: [This is NOT a complete list of the insects in the Refuge.]

Butterfiles and moths which are found in the Refuge. Butterflies and moths are important pollinators of the refuge plants. Butterflies and moths probe for nectar and prefer flat clustered flowers that they can use as a landing pad. Butterflies differ from moths in several ways: butterflies fly during the day, are brightly colored, possess clubbed antennae, and lack a wing coupling mechanism that is common in moths.
Image Title Caption
White Admiral (Basilarchia arthemis)
Morman Fritillary Butterfly (Speyeria mormonia)
Fritillary Butterfly
Morman Fritillary (Speyeria mormonia) Likes asters and corn lilies; will take nectar from sagebrush and rabbit brush.
Nokomis Fritillary Butterfly (Speyeria nokomis) female The catepillers overwinter in the stems of grass after hatching.
Nokomis Fritillary Butterfly (Speyeria nokomis) female The male butterfly of this species is bright orange.
Mating Blues Two Blue butterflies are mating.
Sheep Moth (Hemileuca eglanterina) This silk moth likes to eat from plants in the Rose family and the willow.
Two-tailed Tiger Swallowtail (Pterourus multicaudatus) These have 1 brood in June and July in the Refuge
Mustard White (Artogeia napi) Butterfly
Western White Butterfly (Pontia occidentalis) The western white is adapted to mountains and northern climes.
Orange Bordered Blue (Lycaeides melissa)
Orange Bordered Blue (Lycaeides melissa) also known as Melissa Blue
California Tortoiseshell (Mymphalis californica) July 31st in Refuge
Monarch Butterfly (Danaus plexippus) Aug 26, getting ready for migration south. The only butterfly that annually migrates like birds. No single butterfly makes the entire roundtrip journey however.
Dorcas Copper Butterfly (Epidemia dorcas)
Other Insects found in the Refuge. Insects are predators of other insects, molds, and viruses in the refuge environment. They play a large role in pollination of plants and provide food to larger animals like birds and small mammals. They play an important role in the balance of the refuge ecology.
Red Ant
Ladybug (Hippodamia species) There are more than 500 types of ladybugs in North America. Ladybugs produce a chemical that is a defense mechanism against insectivores, creating a bad odor and bitter taste.
Unidentified Beetle on Iris
Unidentified grasshopper Maybe this is a small cricket or grasshopper

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US Fish and Wildlife Service, Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge, Montana USA