RV Full Timing Goals

These were the goals that we decided would govern our full-timing adventure in our RV. As you can see, some were more related to our general lifestyle than RVing.. Some have been kept after 4 years and some haven't. In any case, it's not a bad idea to have a set of goals when you start. Reviewing them every year would help.


Help others.
Improve the quality of our lives.
Experience North America.
Be a kinder person.
Stay in touch with kids on a regular basis.
Stay in touch with rest of family.
Participate in important family events.
Donate time, at least on an irregular basis.
Do one significant thing that's important to others.
Keep working on relationship.
Share our experiences with the kids (do something before we die that
they will have -- video, tapes, photos, CD-ROMs, etc.)
Become knowledgeable in one travel subject.
Work on more effective communication.
Learn piano.

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